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2019nCoV: A finales de diciembre de 2019 se notificaron los primeros casos de un nuevo brote de coronavirus en la ciudad por Wuhan (China). A partir de entonces el goteo do nuevos infectados ha sido continuo, se han producido varias muertes y se ha confirmado que este coronavirus se transmite pelo solo do los animales a las personas, sino de humano a humano. No parece tan grave como el SRAS ni tan letal saiba como el MERS.

While Hu and Japan's prime minister Yasuo Fukuda failed to make progress on resolving a dispute involving a gasfield in the East China Sea, they did agree to regular meetings, signaling a thaw in their cool relationship.

WHO has not recommended any specific measures for travellers or restrictions on trade with China, but stressed on Monday it was taking the situation seriously.

United Airlines is suspending some flights to China as coronavirus fears have led to a decline in travel demand to the country.

Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

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5th case of coronavirus confirmed in the US as China announces dramatic jump in numbers of patients affected

"We are considering a broadening of that screening" to include all travelers from China, Messonnier said.

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To avoid future conflicts, the two leaders also agreed on a military plan for navigating U.S. and Chinese planes and ships off China's coast and cutting tariffs on o que está acontecendo technology items.

The key information, according to Messonnier, will be determining how easily the virus can spread from person to person.

Chinese architecture has been vastly influential on neighboring amor countries, and contact with the West only furthered its global reach. Chinese architecture has, like in the West, grown and developed over time and after contact with foreign cultures. Shanghai in the early twentieth century adapted many coronavirus Western ideas and aesthetics to create their own unique style, like with the city's famous shikumen houses. The o que é ser um conservador country is also home to many striking examples of contemporary architecture, like the national stadium in Beijing. 

In annual sessions of the rubber-stamp National People's Congress in 1992 and 1993, the government called for accelerating the drive for economic reform, but the sessions were widely seen as an effort to maintain China's moves toward a market economy while retaining political authoritarianism.

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